

door Uotila Heidi -
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 I think the most important option is education, because it can influence all of these options. Education helps to understand that changes must be made for everyone in the future to help the Earth maintain its capacity

Educated persons help to guide and encourage the adoption of a more sustainable lifestyle. Guidance helps to understand what actions lead to sustainable changes. Solutions are needed for example for co-ownership, curbing unnecessary consumption and reducing waste production. In addition to these changes we need to change our attitudes. We must learn to value the products we already have more and find ways to adapt them for our use, rather than always acquiring new items.

We also need more knowledge and ideas on how to enjoy life without accumulating unnecessary material goods. For example nature tourism could play an important role in sustainable development in Finland in the future. Research shows that being in nature can lower heart rates and promote our mental health and well-being (Tyrväinen ym. 2018). Normal movement in nature does not burden the environment; nature tourism guides know this and encourage their clients to move in nature with respect.

Educated people tend to pass on their sustainable values and attitudes to others. They are also more likely to participate in political activism compared to those who are less educated. Education provides the necessary technological skills and prepares individuals for the technological production that is needed. For instance designing and implementing renewable energy sources requires trained professionals.

We need decision-making based on science which enables collaboration and decision-making both nationally and internationally. Governments, businesses, and citizens must take responsibility for the environmental impact they create. This should also be regulated with incentives and penalties to encourage positive actions.

Tyrväinen.L., Lanki. T., Sipilä.R. & Komulainen.J. (2018) Mitä tiedetään metsän terveyshyödyistä?.  Duodecim


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