Carol's experience as a Brazilian in Finland

Carol's experience as a Brazilian in Finland

av Monteiro Lopes Maine -
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Carol told me that is really difficult to adapt to Finnish society costumes, she was already used to European culture to a certain level due to living in Ireland for long years. "Finnish culture is more traditional and reserved than the rest of Europe" she said. She loves the sauna, well being and work relations but she fells is difficult to face the winter and the dark nights.

Despite she has a cozy home and live with her husband in Espoo she still thinks it takes some effort to feel at home since here is really different from what she is used to. He has been living here for 3 years, she has a work and a active social life but sometimes she feels lonely and overwhelmed by the language barrier.

I believe support to learn the language and job opportunities that take immigrants in account for the positions can help and support immigration, we can't do much about the weather but surely other areas can be adapted for better receiving workers and students.

An immigrant will be always divided by two cultures or more, they will learn a part of themselves that they did not know yet and they will figure out that there was a huge capability of adaptation inside them. 

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