Personal rights and inclusiveness as key factors of a sustainable society

Personal rights and inclusiveness as key factors of a sustainable society

door Juntunen Kim -
Aantal antwoorden: 1

In a society where individuals have personal rights, they are more likely to develop themselves and contribute to the development of a sustainable society. Such rights include freedom of speech and religion, access to high-quality education, and the right to vote. In Finland, we generally have these rights on a very high level already. When individuals feel restricted in their personal rights, they are less motivated to work towards common goals. In societies that fail to provide these rights, there’s a high risk of severe discontent among the population, potentially leading to riots and unrest.

Inclusiveness is equally important for achieving the SDGs and for the overall wellbeing of society. This means that people with diverse backgrounds need to be included in decision making, for example. This ensures two things: First of all, no group feels excluded, and secondly, all voices are heard, which in return leads to better decision-making as the whole society is taken into account, not just a limited proportion of it.

In Western and developed countries we are accustomed to observing, that in some authoritarian countries, like China for example, individual rights and inclusiveness are not well supported. However, it is crucial to recognize that these issues are not entirely absent in our own societies. For example, personal rights in the USA actually declined between the years 2015 and 2018. This same trend can be seen in other countries too, like in Japan.

By focusing on individual rights and inclusiveness, and striving to continuously improve these aspects, communities and nations can more effectively contribute to achieving the SDG goals in all areas, not just those related to the environment. 

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Als antwoord op Juntunen Kim

Re: Personal rights and inclusiveness as key factors of a sustainable society

door Holm Tanja -
I agree with your reasoning and find it worrying that rights and inequality is rapidly getting worse around the globe.

20 woorden