• Resource scarcity and inequality section contains lectures, videos and a text report. It covers the model of economy and scarcity but then moves on to the origin of inequality within this model and finishes with a current consideration of how inequality today might be rectified. You will complete quizzes and write summaries in forums. Hopefully all this will prepare you for the other sections Sustainable Society and Sustainable Economy.

    Your first task is to go to 1a. Video: What is Scarcity in Economics? This will give you a basic idea of scarcity within a model of economics. Some of the key words you will meet are

    Scarcity – resources – consumer – value – relative scarcity – absolute scarcity – demand driven – supply driven – structural

    When you have finished this attempt the quiz: 1b. Quiz Scarcity definition

    The second video, 2a. Scarcity and inequality. Why?, presents a historical look at how global trade has created an imbalance or inequality within various societies. After that complete 2b. Inequality Quiz.

    After that you will learn about sustainability transitions in section 3a. This is followed by a forum task in 3b, based on the materials provided in section 3a.